
This AR filter concept is based off of De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, a method for stimulating creative conversations. Each hat represents a role, which represents a specific thinking style, eg. devil’s advocate (challenges ideas), optimist (finding the pros in ideas and cheering them on).

As a concept for hybrid education, we created an AR filter prototype which can be used in video calls, allowing for a more fun and effective online meeting.

Read more about project on [project page].

[Concept video]

Screenshot of Prototype being used in a video call
Prototype being used in a video call

Screenshot of Prototype being used in a video call
Filter provides analytics on how long you have been in a certain role and if a user has been silent for too long, a microphone will pop up, prompting user to speak.

Tech Stack

  • Snap Lens Studio (JavaScript for coding interactions)
  • Snap Camera
  • Video call app (Zoom, Teams, Google Meets)

Role in project

Involved in concept ideation and implementing prototype.